Monday, August 16, 2010

Chickens and Rain

Tanzania in the winter, as far as I can tell, is chilly and sometimes cloudy, but not really rainy. There were times that it rained during the night, but it was usually done by the time I had to go to work in the morning. Then, during the day, the sun will come out and the temperature will rise so that it's really quite a nice day. This is my first real rainy day here, and it was so novel that I had to take pictures of it. Unfortunately it didn't rain enough to fill the gutters on the sides of the street--there was a puny little trickle, but I wanted a moat.

My neighbors have chickens and a new bunch of chicks just hatched. They are so cute! My landlady's kids don't come in the house anymore, because they're busy watching the little chicks run around and scratch in the dirt. So, I figured I'd join them and watch too.

Sometimes dinner is pretty...

...and sometimes it isn't. The first is a picture of a "signature" stew concoction (read: I use what I have in the fridge, recipe or no) made with green beans, onions, carrots, green peppers, and plantains. I fried them a little first, added some tomato paste and salt, fried them a little more, then added enough water to let them boil for a bit and soften. It really tastes good over rice with some chili sauce! The second is leftover ugali with leftover thick vegetable soup (from a packet) poured over it, and two eggs for protein. There are probably ways to make it look prettier.


  1. Well, I bet they're both tasty! Love the pics...

  2. Um, mom, did you look at the second picture? I'm sure it's delicious, but yikes! Maybe a more artistic arrangement of the ugali would have helped... :) The chickens are so cute though!!!

  3. The baby chicks are too cute! Love the pics of your dishes. Sometimes the beauty of food is in the taste and ease of preparation.
