Monday, June 7, 2010

Week Two (sort of)

Can't believe I've been here for a week tomorrow--doesn't seem like that much time has gone by.

Drizzly rain today, which was a little muddy but nice because it wasn't so dusty outside. A little cooler, but not really enough to need a jacket. People here walk around in sweaters and long pants, which I can't understand, but I am from MI after all. I will say, however, that even though it's usually 68-70 degrees outside at night, I have sweatpants, a long sleeved shirt, and wool socks on at night to stay warm. And then, in the morning, the shower is FREEZING, to the point of my teeth chattering and shivering so hard I can't stand still. But that's what happens in a building with no insulation and no central heat.

My weekend was pretty quiet: went to the Karibu ("welcome" in Swahili) Tourism Fair on Saturday to price safaris, and then spent Sunday relaxing at home. I will freely admit that relaxing is hard for me: after about an hour or two I start getting antsy and looking for something challenging and analytical to solve. I guess that's a perk in some ways, but not very helpful for refreshing and renewing! I will have to work harder at relaxing : ) I asked my landlady about internet and renting movies, because the more time I spend relaxing at home, the faster I go through my leisure materials. Seems like I can get movies for pretty cheap, but internet might be a different beast.

My Swahili is coming along--I learned numbers yesterday (1-50) and will move on to learning "Taxi vocabulary" today.

1 comment:

  1. Have you met any other interns yet? Sounds like you get along with your landlady pretty well - what's she like?
